Public organization All-Ukrainian Association


Community founded on Christian values that unites people with the purpose of providing assistance and support to the Ukrainian population.

"The Lord is my Rock"Psalms book 18:3

Допомога населенню
Допомога військовим, допомога дітям


The organization "Skelya" was founded in 2022 with the goal of providing assistance to Ukrainians who have been affected by the war. Our organization is always ready to help where it is needed the most. We are focused on implementing various social projects to help those who have lost hope, are seeking strength, and require support.





The organization "Skela" was founded in 2022 with the goal of providing assistance to Ukrainians who have been affected by the war. Our organization is always ready to help where it is needed the most. We are focused on implementing various social projects to help those who have lost hope, are seeking strength, and require support.



    The organization conducts spiritually and patriotically oriented camps with the aim of creating conditions for the growth of conscious and patriotic Ukrainian citizens. 
    Rehabilitation programs for those affected by the war help individuals work through the trauma resulting from the conflict and adapt to civilian life. 
    We organize retreats for families, including veterans, medics, police officers, and emergency responders, with the purpose of providing support, restoring family bonds, and creating opportunities for psychological, physical, and social assistance. 
    We implement creative projects aimed at socio-cultural development of the community, contributing to the development of communities and territories, making our society stronger and more united.
християнські благодійні проєкти

Our All-Ukrainian Association NGO Skelya is a creative team of like-minded individuals united by the desire to serve others. 

NGO Skela is a unique platform where the boldest and most creative ideas are brought to life, contributing to a happier future for Ukraine and making this world a better place.


    The organization conducts spiritually and patriotically oriented camps with the aim of creating conditions for the growth of conscious and patriotic Ukrainian citizens.
    Rehabilitation programs for those affected by the war help individuals work through the trauma resulting from the conflict and adapt to civilian life.  
    We organize retreats for families, including veterans, medics, police officers, and emergency responders, with the purpose of providing support, restoring family bonds, and creating opportunities for psychological, physical, and social assistance. 
    We implement creative projects aimed at socio-cultural development of the community, contributing to the development of communities and territories, making our society stronger and more united.


Our All-Ukrainian Association NGO Skela is a creative team of like-minded individuals united by the desire to serve others. 

NGO Skela is a unique platform where the boldest and most creative ideas are brought to life, contributing to a happier future for Ukraine and making this world a better place.


To stay updated on our upcoming projects, follow us on Instagram All Ukrainian association (@skelya_association)

  • реабілітація військових

    Presentation of the project "Yours for Yours" in Chernivtsi


    On January 20, at the Head Office of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region, the public organization "SKELYA" presented a unique project called "Yours for yours" 


      Today, there is no family in Ukraine that has not felt the consequences of the war. War has ruins everywhere, which is why rescue service specialists work non-stop to restore safe life in the de-occupied territories, regularly carry out demining and emergency recovery work.
      Every day   life is under risk, a test of stability and endurance. However, it is a test not only for rescuers, but also for their families, who constantly update messengers to read that much-desired "I'm OK" message.
      The project "Yours for yours" aims to provide spiritual and psychological support to the wives of our heroes and to express gratitude to all those who exchanged their usual and peaceful life in order to provide it for us.
      Yes, we understand that such one-day events will not be able to radically change the lives of the participants, here they will not find answers to all the questions that concern them. But we believe and work so that each participant finds the same "keys" that will help to cope with the avalanche of today's problems, find the right people, because as the classics say, "a person needs a person".
      During the meeting with the wives of our heroes, the head of the NGO "Skelya" Petro Danylchyk shared his experience of working with the families of military personnel and National Police employees, providing recommendations on behavior in crisis situations and maintaining peace in the family. In parallel with education for mothers, children who came with their parents spent time with volunteers and animators of the NGO "Skelya". Children participated in interactive games in specially equipped rooms, had fun with animators, painted their faces and received positive emotions from various games and fun entertainment. 

  • реабілітація військових

    "Yours for Yours" is a guest at the Department of Emergency Situations in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk


    The NGO organization "Skelya" always   keepі abreast of events in Ukraine, we want to be where we are needed, where we can be as useful as possible. 


      As part of the implementation of the "Yours for Yours" project, which is carried out to provide spiritual and psychological support, rehabilitation and educational activities in the form of trainings, the focus of our attention is on the families of those Heroes whose names often remain unknown. Today, these are the families of employees of the State Emergency Service.
      The head of the "Skelya" organization and military chaplain Petro Danylchyk gave an interactive lecture for the wives of emergency services workers. We understand that now there is no time to study theoretical issues, so we are focused on providing practical advice that the participants could immediately implement in their lives.
      A psychological and educational meeting in the form of a conversation was held with the wives of the emergency services workers, and the children in the security class of the Main Department were entertained by animators and volunteers of the organisation, who held fun games and interesting contests - and all this as gratitude for the selfless service of their hero parents.
      As Chaplain Petro Danylchyk notes: "Such measures allow us to show that we understand what price families pay, being in constant stress of waiting and anxiety. The team of the "Yours for Yours" project is convinced that gratitude and support should be expressed in action. Care, live communication "among one's own", psychological and spiritual support, acceptance and understanding give healing and strength to move on, because you feel that you are not alone, that your feelings and emotions matter, that your contribution to the common Victory is noticeable and valuable "

  • реабілітація військових

    An event for the children of Volyn rescuers


    It was a magic day when the children of the Volyn rescuers met fairy tale heroes, and their hearts were filled with joy and impressions.


      As part of the "Yours for Yours" project, the public organization "Skelya" organized an unforgettable event for the children of Volyn rescuers. This event took place on December 28.
      The festive program was full of various fun. Boys and girls actively participated in competitions, danced and guessed riddles. But the most interesting thing awaited them during the workshop of making candles from sheet wax.
      Fairy-tale heroes visited the children to congratulate them on the upcoming holidays. They gave not only gifts for effort, but also unforgettable impressions and joyful emotions. The children of the Volyn rescuers received not only a bright memory, but also inspiration from this magical event.

  • реабілітація військових

     "Yours for Yours"

    A project aimed at providing spiritual and psychological support, rehabilitation, and educational activities in the form of training, support groups, retreats, and camps for the following categories:● Families of our Heroes
    ● Military personnel and their families
    ● National Police officers and their families
    ● State Emergency Service employees and their families


  • підлітковий табір

    Teen Camp "Skelya" 2023

    Project completed

    The camp program included: patriotic education from mentors, spiritual interaction with priests and chaplains, workshops with elements of art therapy and nature therapy, unleashing creative potential, an opportunity to demonstrate leadership qualities, training in tactical medicine, sports activities and games, and psychological support.


      Even in times of war, we must not forget the importance of children recreation and well-being. The modern reality exposes children to physical and psychological trauma due to military actions, changes in their daily lives, as well as separation from parents and friends. All of this significantly affects their physical and mental health. Therefore, safe and active recreation in a friendly atmosphere and comprehensive healing become of utmost importance.
      This year, in a week-long camp held from August 14 to August 18 on the Polonyna Smotrych, 58 children whose parents heroically defend our state participated. In addition to exciting leisure activities, new friendships, and unforgettable experiences, every child who rested in this camp had the opportunity to combine prayer and relaxation, communicate, and discuss relevant issues of Christian morality in the modern world.

      For five days, a team of professionals and volunteers worked tirelessly for the sake of educating the future generation in the spirit of patriotism and Christian values.
      The spiritual component became an integral part of the project, and unobtrusive discussions with spiritual mentors prompted participants to unexpected, even for the organizers, conclusions. Here's one of them: "Both God and the devil have no other hands but ours. It is only we who decide whose instruments we become."

      The initiative to hold this healing camp was spearheaded by Chaplain Petro Danylchyk, the head of the Public Organization "All-Ukrainian Association 'Skelya'". The organization and implementation of children's recreation in this camp became possible thanks to the support of public organizations "Skelya" and "Eleos Volyn," the Verkhovyna District Military Administration, the district council, village councils, volunteers, and proactive entrepreneurs.

  • проєкти для дітей

    Children Camp "STEP TO GOD" 2022

    Project completed

    The camp was the first step of the "Skelya" NGO towards serving the children of our Heroes! In the high mountains, a program focused on the spiritual and patriotic development of the younger generation was implemented.


      From August 14 to August 18, 2022, a children spiritual and patriotic camp called "Step to God" took place on the territory of the Holy Trinity Monastery located on Mount Dukonya at an elevation of 1434 meters. This project marked the first step for "Skelya" in serving the Ukrainian people.
      We aimed to express gratitude to our Defenders by organizing a camp for their children. They are the ones who protect us on the battlefield and fight for our lives in a free Ukraine, so it is our sacred duty to take care of their families.

      The camp program included morning exercises, prayers, and participation in Divine Liturgy. It also featured prayers, spiritual and patriotic discussions, games, quests, competitions, and mountain survival courses conducted by the Verkhovyna rescuers. Evenings were concluded with a bonfire, Ukrainian songs, and evening prayers.
      This spiritual and patriotic event provided an opportunity to divert children from gadgets, express gratitude to their parents for their selfless sacrifice in defending Ukraine from the enemy, and unite them in collective prayer to the Lord for the long-awaited victory over the occupiers.



 Head of the NGO “Skelya” Community leader, military chaplain, youth specialistPetro Danylchyk


Co-founder of the NGO “Skelya”, mountain rescuer, volunteerVasyl Spaskyy


Project Manager, fundraising expertOlena Zamrii


PR - manager, marketing expertLiliia Vasylyshyn


Communication Manager, foreign language teacherYuliia Danylchyk


Project Manager of "Yours for Yours", Clinical PsychologistNatalia Rainysh


Accountant, community activist, volunteerOlha Petriianchuk



 If you share our values and wish to help, please share your contact information, and we will get in touch with you.

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"Yours for Yours" in LutskAn event for the children of Volyn rescuers


"Yours for Yours" is a guest at the Department of Emergency Situations in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk 


"Yours for Yours" in Chernivtsi

